Thursday 30 July 2015

Cheats, Liars and Politicians

Bronwyn Bishop, and politicians like her, should not be excused for fraud with an insincere apology for their crime against the people who elected them in good faith. She (and they) should face the consequences of the breach of trust they have committed.
   A jail term should be made mandatory for a breach of trust by a servant of the public, and an annual accounting of their value (or otherwise) to the people of the nation needs to be instituted. The loss of privileged position is an inadequate penalty, and the sentence under the law should be more severe than for a person not in a position of public trust.
     We need to start this process by bringing political salaries back to the average salary for the nation and their pension entitlements back to that of the Commonwealth Public Service, payable not before age 67. The argument that peanuts beget monkeys is lost. Large salaries beget liars, cheats and irresponsible management of almost every conceivable public interest. It is time to return to the time when public service was an honour and worthy of the respect for those who took it on, rather than a culture which is devoted to control of the masses through subterfuge, lies and propaganda.
   The masses are not that stupid, and history demonstrates that given time, those who engage in deceit eventually face the consequences of anarchy, often costing them and their families their lives. History is uncompromising when the same mistakes are repeated. Politicians need to reflect upon history, it can happen to them personally when they least expect it.
   Support any political candidate who will agree to these needed changes, and do not support those who will not. Reform starts at the bottom and is directed at those who abuse their position of power or non-performance at the top. The people run this country, not their servants. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

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